Friday, April 10, 2009


Yes, it does pain me,
To see myself
A little less than my best.
Just the way it does,
To see stark orators fumble,
To see great runners stumble,
To see mountaineers shiver.

Yes, it does pain me,
To see, slipping out of my hand
What I knew
Like the back of my hand,
As if everything I ever conquered,
Belongs to some other man,
And I gave it all away.

What pains the most I know,
Is faith that has been lost,
Some gate it seems it’s crossed,
To a far away land,
From where it won’t come back.
I’m glad I still have faith,
And that it heals all of my pain.


Sameer said...

well sed buddy!
this is ur first real poem...
to a far away land..still you have faith..that it shall endure all pain..

beautiful!great meter..and no show shaw baazi!

Unknown said...

good stuff....
i like the stumble and shiver part...